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This American Life

3 tips for using Google Maps more effectively, according to Google

I'm the kind of person who would get lost going down the street if it weren't for my phone having super-precise GPS. Thank goodness I am an adult in the time of smartphones. With that in mind, Google released a blog sharing 10 of its top tips for using Google Maps more effectively. Like most [...]

Un Padre Sonaba con una casa para su familia. La deuda medica casi los deja en la calle.

Un padre soñaba con una casa para su familia. La deuda médica casi los deja en la calle By Noam N. LeveySEPTEMBER 11, 2023 DENVER. — A...

Home sales up in California sales up 75% in California

This American Life

Un Padre Sonaba con una casa para su familia. La deuda medica casi los deja en la calle.

Un padre soñaba con una casa para su familia. La deuda médica casi los deja en la calle By Noam N. LeveySEPTEMBER 11, 2023 DENVER. — A...

Heat-Related Deaths Are Up, and Not Just Because It’s Getting Hotter

Heat-Related Deaths Are Up, and Not Just Because It’s Getting Hotter By Phillip Reese Heat-related illness and deaths in California and the U.S. are on the rise...

The Addictive Grip of Social Media

In the past decade, the rise of social media has revolutionized how we connect, share, and consume information. However, this digital transformation has come...

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Overindulgence and Its Cost: The Hidden Public Health Epidemic

The overindulgence and its costs, the Hidden Public Health...

As we approach the final two weeks of this...

LA is screaming with pride.. Dodgers do it !   LA is screaming with pride. The West Coast and...

US Supreme Court extends employment protection LGBTQ

http://In 2020, U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Bostock v....

Home sales up in California sales up 75% in California